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SLS Universal Stage Adaptor Planning Meeting

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Date(s) - 25/02/2015
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM



Project Description: Adaptor being thrown into architecture to improve performance of SLS for EM2 (2021) by making the front end of vehicle flexible to many kinds of payloads

Have data about how different types of adaptors would work with different types of payloads. Trades on the adaptors are considered done.

team: includes cost, manufacturing, David Slight (SE background), project management (Kevin Rivers), Wayne Walters (SE, maybe), Mark Hillberger as lead engineer, Dave Paddock, Bonnie (schedule)

Jim will add Jose Ortiz for broader SE coverage

Customer POC – FPD type, Kevin, or Barry

Pat will send list of people and roles

Jim will look at adding a LV person

(Pat/Jim?) Need structural acoustics person

Risk analyst, or assign to SE with team tagging as they go?

Goal: RFI to industry, academia, and agencies expected. Goal is to get ready for that with concepts and partners in place.

Objectives with Deliverables:

  • Need to optimize design to be as flexible as possible – think outside the box, new technologies, Langley expertise
    • DDTE flow
    • MEL
    • CAD drawing
    • Manufacturing process
    • Define external interfaces with payload attach fitting, fairing (payload users guide with heavy payloads)
  • Define gaps at Langley to implement – need for partners
    • List of partnering areas
  • Minimize risk and cost
    • Risk analysis
    • Cost estimate

Follow-on expected with partners.


Option A: Drive to design close with cost/schedule/risk taking notes, move on to cost/schedule focus if time allows. Informal follow-up to complete cost/schedule, or follow-up cost/schedule concurrent session 1-2 days.

Option B: Freeze design and note open issues/questions end of day 2, day 3 = cost/schedule/risk completion.

Pre-work meeting plan:

March 3

Pat, SE (Jose?), Cost (Bob), Schedule (Bonnie), PM (Kevin?), someone with ownership of adaptor trade data, SEDoc (Kerry), Facilitator (Samantha)

Finalize agenda, go over roles and tools to be used, work any staffing issues, finalize deliverables list, identify any “pre-work” needed to be ready to start agenda

Samantha to send invitation after receive team list from Pat