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MESCAL Team Orientation Meeting

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Date(s) - 29/10/2015
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Purpose: Orient team so far to science, study context, and pre-work plan for EDS


Chris Hostetler – founding member of Calipso, science lead for instrument

Chip Trepte – lead scientist

John Hair – instrument lead

Beth Brumbaugh – organizing information

Ron Verappen- I&T, operations manager for Calipso

Will Scott – electronics for Calipso; power

Jamie Wilson – orbit and ops

Marie Ivanco – SMAB, DSE for MESCAL

Kerry – SIE for EDS, did software for LITES, precursor to Calipso

Dave Winker – PI, working with CNES on pre-phase A study for MESCAL

Bob – Cost for EDS

Vip – senior SE, EDS Facilitator

Angela Welters – electronics

Jeff Brady – mechanical

Tony Notari – optics

Chris Thames – software

See slides for more detail, but some main orienting points:

HSRL gen1 flying on aircraft for 10 years, added seed laser and frequency locking in transmitter, and aft optics assembly that proved that long-term lidar would work: (2b, 1a, 2d)

HSRL gen2 flown for 5 deployments, added ACE capability, interferometric receiver and laser output at 355nm: (3b,2a,3d)

Approached by CNES to join next lidar, Langley added aerosols (from ACE mission; IDC 2007) and oceans (from 2011 proposal for EV mission to ISS; OPAL)

Have measurement requirements


  1. Minimize cost, risk, Maximize science value to finish phase A study
  2. build corporate knowledge for lidar in space, design and development of spaceborne HSRL
    • ready to respond to next Earth decadal survey (have info on 3 options), so ready to develop, build software and hardware


  • Evaluate TRL
  • Ready to make agreement about CNES part of instrument development, so close look at instrument subsystem interfaces
  • Find major cost savings by discipline (knees in curve of design vs cost)
  • use Kathy ‘s lidar simulator to evaluate, and give feedback to improve simulator


  • mass, power, volume
  • cost inputs (dev and build labor and time)
  • drawings
  • input to run simulations in February
  • first draft of powerpoint summary for subsystems and systems eval ?
  • cost estimate Feb. 5


1 week full days for design in January 25-29th

Last 1.5 days to look at 2 other concept options?

Cost iteration the next week individually

March meeting with CNES

November EDS to refine full instrument concept (fuzzy timing and goals until post-Jan-EDS)


EDS team

Facilitator: Vip – main interface with Chris Hostetler, Dave Macdonnell, Paul Speth?

SIE: Kerry – maininterface with Tory and Marie

SEDoc:  Matt? or Tammy/Kevin L./Hilary? – interface with Beth, Marie, Tory

Cost: Nani/Bob (last day plus week after session) – interface with Marie

Anyone below that branch heads don’t agree at the Integration Forum to staff as part of project effort (weekly meetings) – thermal and structures?


Study Lead (interface with Vip and lead pre-work details) = ? Tory? Dave? Chris?

Mechanical: Jeff Brady

Opto-mechanisms: Charlie Boyer

Systems Engineer – Tory Scola

Deputy Systems Engineer and Costs – Marie Ivanco

Interfaces, Ground Systems – Ron Verhappen

Orbits and Ops Concept – Jamie Wilson

Structures – 1 needed  

Optical Design – Tony Notari, new person opportunity to iterate on Tony’s design

Electronics (Controller, Data Storage, harnesses, Power) – Angela Welters and Will Scott

Detectors – Chuck Antill (already designed), new person opportunity

Lasers – Fibertek SBIR

Thermal – (not Tory) – 1 needed

Flight Software – Chris Thames

Science Directorate Leads – Hostetler, Trepte, Winker, Hair, Nehrir