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Habitat Pre-work Meeting

  • Where/When

–Bldg 2102 / Engineering Design Studio (EDS)  —  March 17 – 19, 2015  —  8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

  • Study POC: Keith Woodman

–The study POC is the ultimate authority on the technical and programmatic decisions

–The study POC is the only person to whom the EDS team will distribute study products

  • Objective:

–Identify and assess technology development needs and enhancements for advanced habitats

–Plan technology development road maps – highlight LaRC technology investment opportunities

  • Process

–Keep the structure open – allow the schedule and process to evolve real time. But maintain a focus on the desired products and adjust activities as needed to produce these.

  • Opportunity:

–Attendees with important background to help establish habitat SOA and enabling technologies are invited to present on Day 1 – contact Study POC to get on the agenda

  • Preparation for the study

–Collect data from existing studies that can support definition of technology needs and mission benefits

–Research potential technology opportunities to identify development approaches, TPM, resource requirements, milestones, and development risks

–Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost data for Basis of Estimates (BOEs)

Study Products

  • Advanced habitat technology needs

–Establish SOA for advanced habitats

–Identify key limitations and technology opportunities to enable or enhance advanced habitats

  • Technology and system assessments (qualitative and quantitative)

–ROM assessments of mission benefits

–Practical technology development goals (TPM), milestones, and resource requirements

–Key challenges (risks) to technology development and integration. Mitigation approaches.

  • Technology roadmaps

–Realistic technology development plan with substantiation and risk mitigations as appropriate

–ROM development cost and schedule

–Near term opportunities for LaRC to initiate technology insertion projects (next 12 months)

  • Stretch Product: A LaRC hab concept

Success Criteria

1.Essential habitat technologies identified

–Traced to mission needs & milestones

–Rough estimate of technology need dates

–Optional (but desirable) – traceability to current or planned LaRC expertise

2.Credible estimates for mission benefit – to motivate and justify technology development

3.Credible road maps – suitable for center strategic planning

–Credible technical approach

–Realistic cost & schedule estimates

–First order risk assessment

–Near term LaRC opportunities to initiate technology development


  • Day One

–Overview of the business opportunities and threats. Review the work we did at the previous workshops. Matt Simon will describe multiple hab concepts (Mars Transit, phobos hab, mars hab) followed by presentations on areas of interests such as structures, sizing, materials, radiation protection, holistic logistics, and reliability/dormancy issues (these presentations TBD). Attendees with important background to help establish habitat SOA and enabling technologies are invited to present on Day 1 – contact Keith Woodman to get on the agenda

–Then we will introduce the questions we want teams to go off and start answering based on their discipline and expertise (such as “How could we reduce mass? How could we increase reliability?” You get the idea. The questions will be refined as we go through day one).


  • Day Two

–Break folks off into small groups to work these questions. Second part of the day will bring the groups back together to discuss their answers. We’re working on having a modeler there who can tweak hab model with the ideas as they are developed.


  • Day Three

–Develop technology roadmaps for the enabling technologies we see most promising. At the end of that, we hope to have ideas for demos that we could produce to help prove our concepts and impress our customers and stakeholders. We will also discuss the way forward from this point (more, deeper, deep dives? Agency deep dive?, etc).

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